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Alex answers some of our questions on the role of a vaccination stewards, including how you can get involved.

How did you hear about the vaccination stewarding programme?

I saw an advert on the Voluntary Action North Somerset Facebook page seeking volunteers for the vaccination centres and I currently work part-time and could fit some voluntary shifts around my work pattern.

What was the process of signing up? 

I followed the link posted on the Facebook page which took me to an account set-up page with TeamKinetics. Once my account was activated and verified I was able to go into my account and look at available slots for volunteering. The system is straightforward to use, you just scroll through the list of opportunities and click a button to sign up. You also receive a confirmation email once you’ve signed up for an opportunity.

What have you been doing on your shifts? 

The main activity during a shift is to direct members of the public in the relevant direction, working with security staff and medical staff to ensure a smooth flow of people through the vaccine process. I also talk with people and provide a friendly face (behind a mask!) if they have any apprehensions.

How do you feel your volunteering has made a difference to others? 

I feel its made a difference to the medical staff, as we can help make their job easier ensuring the members of the public are moved through the centre efficiently. I also think the members of the public appreciate the volunteers who are they can have a chat with while they wait.

How do you feel your volunteering has made a difference to you? 

Ive enjoyed volunteering as it’s allowed me to give back to the community and support key workers in their efforts to move us out of lockdowns and get us through the pandemic.

What would you say to anyone thinking about signing up to volunteer to the programme? 

I would say to just go for it. If you have some spare time, what better way to fill it than by helping to get through the pandemic.

To get involved, simply pledge via Can Do Bristol today!


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Alex Saunders

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