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Roseanne Jones




I am a final year Classical Studies student with substantial experience in customer service. My sociability and professionalism were an asset to my work in hospitality. I have a wide range of skills attained from both my academic and working career that has equipped me to deal thoroughly with challenging and complex tasks.

I am fascinated by history and my long-term career goal is to become an Archaeologist, to reach my goal I am looking for relevant experiences which I will find stimulating. Spreading environmental awareness and finding ways to be more green has always been important to me. Since moving to Bristol I have fallen in love with the city and would love to contribute to the brilliant effort of the city to have higher environmental standards!

I am proudly a part of the #actuallyautistic community online, safe spaces for people living with disabilities and mental health issues are another area I feel strongly about as a highly sympathetic person. 

I am a final year Classical Studies student with substantial experience in customer service. My sociability and professionalism were an asset to my work in hospitality. I have a wide range of skills attained from both my academic and working career that has equipped me to deal thoroughly with challenging and complex tasks. I am fascinated by history and my long-term career goal is to become an Archaeologist, to reach my goal I am looking for relevant experiences which I will find stimulating....


I'm a good connector! I have a complete profile page.

Awarded 06th December 2021


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