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Milan Pandya

Project Manager at Boeing


Project Manager at Boeing

Hello there! I'm Milan, a dedicated volunteer with a passion for giving back to the community. By day, I'm immersed in the dynamic world of aerospace at an international company. However, my heart lies in making a meaningful impact beyond the office walls. Having been fortunate to benefit from the opportunities provided by society, I'm driven to give back and contribute positively to the community that has afforded me so much. Volunteering allows me to channel my skills and energy towards creating a brighter, more inclusive future for all. 

Hello there! I'm Milan, a dedicated volunteer with a passion for giving back to the community. By day, I'm immersed in the dynamic world of aerospace at an international company. However, my heart lies in making a meaningful impact beyond the office walls. Having been fortunate to benefit from the opportunities provided by society, I'm driven to give back and contribute positively to the community that has afforded me so much. Volunteering allows me to channel my skills and energy towards...

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