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Emily T


Hello, I'm Emily, a 29 year old who has recently moved to Bristol, from London.

I am passionate about mental health and wellbeing, and am hoping to commence studies to become a Psychotherapist this year. I have a certificate in Mental Health First Aid, from MHFAEngland.

My hobbies and interests are dancing, yoga and painting!

I studied Fashion Management at London College of Fashion, and followed this by working in fashion for around 5 years, and continued working in marketing for a few more years after that.

My interest in changing my career into Psychotherapy has come following an acute flare up of my mental health during the pandemic, which ultimately required hospitalisation. I have battled an eating disorder, depression and anxiety disorder from around the age of 8 and as an adult I was also diagnosed with c-PTSD. In 2021 I spent around a year in inpatient and day-patient facilities, recieving intensive therapy to aid me in my journey towards recovery. I learnt so much in this journey and the inspiring support I recieved from my care team has made me want to do the same for others one day.

I really believe this experience has helped me become a far more grounded, self aware and empathic person, and I truly believe that everyone deserves a chance to get the support they need.

I am in my journey towards getting back out into the world, and want to start this by offering my time in volunteer work, to give back by supporting others, try new things, whilst also developing my own self confidence! :)

Hello, I'm Emily, a 29 year old who has recently moved to Bristol, from London. I am passionate about mental health and wellbeing, and am hoping to commence studies to become a Psychotherapist this year. I have a certificate in Mental Health First Aid, from MHFAEngland. My hobbies and interests are dancing, yoga and painting! I studied Fashion Management at London College of Fashion, and followed this by working in fashion for around 5 years, and continued working in marketing for a few more...

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