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Student physiotherapist


Student physiotherapist


I am a student physiotherapist who has a DBS, hosptial experience and a good understanding of the precautional measures neccessay to prevent the spread of corona. Willing to help in anyway I can.

I am 29 y/o and have vairied experience such as: teaching (not formally trained), babysitting, hospitality etc. 

My degree has provided me with the skills to help in the community and offer practical advice altthough as a student I cannot offer any specific physiotherapy advice or treatments.

I also know of some other people who would be willing to help if needed.


Hello, I am a student physiotherapist who has a DBS, hosptial experience and a good understanding of the precautional measures neccessay to prevent the spread of corona. Willing to help in anyway I can. I am 29 y/o and have vairied experience such as: teaching (not formally trained), babysitting, hospitality etc.  My degree has provided me with the skills to help in the community and offer practical advice altthough as a student I cannot offer any specific physiotherapy advice or...


I'm a good connector! I have a complete profile page.

Awarded 06th December 2021


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