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This is the story about how parent carers in Bishopston came together and how SENDaWelcome aims to make a difference in their local communities 

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You can read more about this story on the below image.

Poster board of story

4 parents of children with Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities (SEND) wanted to make their community inclusive for
their children so they could be part of it the same as any other child,
and make local people more aware of SEND and the importance of
including everyone in their community.

They created a community organisation called SENDaWelcome.

SENDaWelcome wants to create a completely inclusive community
where people with learning disabilities are valued and celebrated
for their differences.

These parent carers and their families all live in an area of Bristol
called Bishopston.

SENDaWelcome parent carers have been taking action in their
community to:
 - make connections and build relationships
 - raise awareness and visibility of people with SEND
 - educate and inform local people

They build relationships in the community by:
 - working with local organisations and businesses
 - hosting social and networking events
 - sharing useful information and examples of how people can be
more inclusive

These connections help to make opportunities in the area as easy
for people with learning disabilities to access as for other people.

They raise awareness of the difficulties people with learning
disabilities can face in the community so that everyone can work
together to make things better. They do this by working with local
organisations, hosting awareness events, and storytelling.

By telling stories, celebrating good news, and sharing examples of
good inclusion in the community, they make more people aware of
the value and positive impact that people with learning disabilities

They educate and inform people, so local people feel they can
make changes that are good for everyone in the community, not just
people with learning disabilities.

They want businesses and organisations be educated and given the
skills to welcome people with learning disabilities.

They take part in conferences, contribute to professional training,
and write articles to increase awareness and understanding.

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